Tuesday, Oct.29

Today was another chilly day! We read the story, The Snowy Day and talked about our favorite snowy day activities. We drew pictures and wrote in our journals. We are all writers in kindergarten.

We learned to play go fish with some of the adult volunteers this morning. Play with your child at home.

Both classes got to attend both gym and music today. Ask your child what they did with Mr. Der and Mrs. Coulson.

We were able to go outside and get some fresh, cold air before eating lunch in the classroom. We had lots of fun at center time and are looking forward to Halloween.

Thank you so much to all our parent volunteers and all the students for coming to school prepared for our field trip. We hope to reschedule our field trip. More details to follow. We are speaking with Fish creek to coordinate to go on a future PM kindergarten Friday date with the possibility of having an extended bell time.

Thursday is Halloween! Children are welcome to wear their costumes to school on Thursday as long as they do not interfere with a child’s safety or mobility to participate in regular PE and classroom activities. NO MASKS are allowed to be worn to school, NO WEAPONS (not even really fake ones) are allowed to be included as part of a Halloween costume. Children are not allowed to bring food treats of any kind to school for sharing with other students due to the considerable number of food related allergies many of our students experience – we want to keep all our students safe at all times (and we know any trick-or-treaters are likely to come home with a good-sized portion of treats on Thursday evening).
Reminder that there is NO school for Kindergarten on Friday, Nov.1st. It is a professional development day for teachers.


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