Tuesday October 15

Glenbow Ranch field trip forms went home with AM Kindergarten today. We would appreciate it if both AM and PM please return the completed forms tomorrow. This will help us to be organized for our trip to the Ranch on Thursday (PM) and Monday (AM).

Today we met with our grade 3/4 buddies from the Kindness Pod in the morning and then from the Joy Pod in the afternoon. Please ask your child what their buddy's name is. Our Kindies have met some grade 3/4 friends who could possibly be in their group on our Glenbow Ranch field trip. We had fun playing cooperative board/card games or reading with our new friends today.

We had a lesson from our occupational therapist on cutting. She showed us how to use scissors correctly, thumbs up, chicken wings tucked in, helper hand moves the paper, paper stays out in front of you and keep your wrist straight (no crooked wrists). Please encourage your child to use correct scissor skills when cutting at home.

The blue/yellow groups had gym with Mr. Der while the red/green groups had music with Mrs. Coulson. Please ask your child what they did in the gym or the music room.

In the afternoon the yellow group began sharing their Happiness Museum items. It is always amazing to learn what makes our young learners happy!

Please remember to send your child's library book back to school with them when they have finished reading it. Students are allowed to sign out 1 book at a time. Kindergarten does not have a specific library day as children can exchange their books any day at center time. However we would still appreciate it if you took the time to read it at least once with your child, as it does not need to be returned the next day.

Some important reminders about upcoming dates:

Thursday, October 17 AND Friday, October 18 - NO school for AM Kindergarten

Thursday, October 17 - PM kindergarten ALL DAY field trip to Glenbow Ranch (8:20am-3:05pm)

Friday, October 18 - PM Kindergarten attends (8:20am-12:00pm)

Monday, October 21 - AM Kindergarten ALL DAY field trip to Glenbow Ranch (8:20am-3:05pm) / NO School PM Kindergarten


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