Wednesday October 30
Jacket Racket begins today and will continue to Wednesday, Nov. 6th. Please send gently used winter wear including coats, mittens, scarves, hats, boots, etc. to school in a bag marked with the items and sizes inside. We appreciate your support of this much needed program!
Today was a busy day at school. We read the story "True Story" by Marty Chan. Marty has 2 naughty cats that live at his house - we had fun learning about the trouble the cats get into. Please ask your child what Marty's cats names are and what each cat is best known for. We were inspired by Marty's cats to do a guided drawing of a cat. We used sharpies and wrote the word "cat" once we completed our picture. We then used black paper to make a cat of our own. We used scissors to cut a head, eyes, ears, mouth, nose and whiskers. The AM Kindergarten classes had gym with Mr. Der, please ask your child what they did in the gym, while the PM Kindergarten classes had a chance to play with the big blue blocks this afternoon.
We are very excited for Halloween tomorrow! Please see the notes below from Mrs. Kinsman in regards to dressing up!
EHS supports the spirit of Halloween festivities within these stated
- Children are welcome to wear their costumes to school on Thursday as long as they do not interfere with a child’s safety or mobility to participate in regular PE and classroom activities
- NO MASKS are allowed to be worn to school
- NO WEAPONS (not even really fake ones) are allowed to be included as part of a Halloween costume
- Children are not allowed to bring food treats of any kind to school for sharing with other students due to the considerable number of food related allergies many of our students experience – we want to keep all our students safe at all times – and we know any trick-or-treaters are likely to come home with a good-sized portion of treats on Thursday evening
Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ON FRIDAY, NOV. 1, 2019. It is a PD Day for the teachers.
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