Wednesday December 18

Today we had Ms. Pharyne, a nutritionist, come in and speak to the children about healthy food choices. She talked about the different food groups and what makes us healthy and strong. She showed us a recipe to make homemade granola and we got to make our own yogurt parfaits. Each student came home with a little package from the presentation. Ask your child what they learned about.

Thank you to the parent volunteers who came in and helped today. We really are so thankful for all the extra help from you all! :)

AM kindergarten did caroling in the gym. It was a lot of fun! ( PM will carol tomorrow)

We read the story, "The Christmas S Elfie Content. Ask your child about what message the author was writing about. The children wrote in their journals about if they were an elf for a day how would they show kindness. 

We went on a letter and word hunt and wrote down words around the classroom. Can you have a word hunt (letter hunt) at home? Many of the children were surprised how many words they could read. 

Tomorrow we will be challenging the students to make a trap to catch an elf. We are asking families to send some of the following paper towel rolls, cracker boxes, cereal boxes,  tinsel, bubble wrap, ribbon, bows etc.  If you could send them in on Thursday that would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday is the last day of school for students (regular dismissal times). It is also pajama day ! 


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