Instructions for uploading pictures/work into Iris
Going forward we would like to have you help us by uploading your child's work to IRIS. Each week we would like your help to upload at least one math activity, one literacy activity and one challenge activity to Iris that your child has completed. IRIS will allow us as teachers to respond to the work your child is completing at home in a much more efficient manner. If you would like to upload more than 1 activity for each math, literacy and challenge each week please go ahead. We are happy to look at all the photos but in the interest of time will only be responding to 1 of each activity each week.
Each Kindergarten child has an IRIS account. This account is accessed by clicking on this link
To login in you will need your child's CBE ID # and password. Please find this information in the email sent from your responsibility teacher.
Please see the following to help with the process of uploading an image.
Please note: Red Group please share your artifacts with Mrs. Conley only. Blue and Yellow Groups will share with Mrs. Mask and Green Group with share with Mrs. Watterson. If you share with all of us, we will end up getting a lot of notifications and worry that something will get missed.
As always, we appreciate your support as we continue to navigate this online learning journey. We miss your kiddos and are working hard to provide enriching Kindergarten experiences while they are at home.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help!
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