Friday May 1

Learning Intentions for the Week - Early Literacy 
  1. I can talk about and explain the meaning of my own pictures and print.
  2. I can use drawings to illustrate ideas and information, and talk about them.
  3. I can listen to and recite short poems, songs and rhymes.
  4. I can seek information from a variety of sources, such as people at school, at home, in the community, picture books, photographs and videos.
Learning Intentions for the Week - Numeracy / Number Sense
  1. I can develop number sense.
  2. I can use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems. 
  3. I can use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems. 
  4. I can describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them.

** Please check your child's account as we have sent them a Link on how to get started on Epic Books. Happy Reading **

Literacy: SPRING is here!
Materials - computer/tablet/phone

Please listen to the 3 non-fiction stories about Spring. Non-fiction books teach us facts about a topic.
1.  Spring
2. What can you see in Spring?
3. Everything Spring

After listening to the stories, we need you to go outside! Please take a phone or Ipad with you so that you can take a picture of Spring. What will you see outside that tells you it is Spring? What Spring changes do you see? What is your favourite activity to do in Spring?

You can drop your pictures here:   Spring Photos

Math: Arrange in order 
Materials: objects found around the house

Find 5 things in your room and arrange them from shortest to tallest. Add 5 more things.

Challenge:  Build a Spring Small World
Materials - small animal toys, scrap fabric, rocks, feathers, gems or beads, plastic flowers, yarn, pompoms, small pieces of wood, twigs or branches, leaves ... the possibilities are endless


Small world play is acting out scenarios (scenes from real life, stories and/or imagination) in a miniature play scene, created with small figures and objects. Anything from your own home or garden will do, there is no limitation to your creativity which is why it’s a truly inexhaustible subject!
Have your child build a small world that focusses on Spring.  Remind your child that we did lots of small world play at school as we explored Winter Animals.  We bet they will remember some of the interesting materials we used to build our winter wonderlands.

Weekend Scavenger Hunt. Get outside and enjoy the sun :)


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