Friday May 22
The Google Meet code to join a storytime with one of the teachers is storytime.
Literacy Learning Intentions
1. I can connect oral language with print and pictures.
2. I can draw, record or tell about ideas and experiences.
3.I can shares ideas and information about topics of interest.
4. I can use drawings to illustrate ideas and information, and talk about them.
Math Learning Intentions
1. I can use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems by identifying, reproducing, extending and creating two or three element patterns.
Environment and Community Awareness
1. I can explore and investigate objects and events in the environment and show awareness of the similarities and differences in living things, objects and materials.
2. I can become aware of colours, shapes, patterns and textures in the environment.
3. I can describe a variety of homes and recognize familiar animals along with their characteristics and surroundings.
Mrs. Mask, Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Watterson
Literacy: All About Insects Day 4
Materials: ipad/tablet, pencil, crayons/pencil crayons, white journal
Today you will listen to the last story about the bug you choose for the week. After listening to the story, please draw a picture of your bug and write a sentence about what makes your bug interesting. For example, A butterfly is interesting because it tastes with it's feet.
Check out Epic Books for more stories about insects.
Please look at the links to learn more interesting facts the 4 bugs we've been learning about this week!
Materials: natural items (rocks, sticks, pinecones, leaves, grass, etc)
Gather natural materials. Please make a pattern with the found items. Please take a photo of your pattern and if you like upload the photo to IRIS so that we can see your unique and creative patterns. Here are some sample natural patterns to give you a little inspiration.
green leaf, brown leaf, green leaf, brown leaf (AB pattern)
rock, pinecone, leaf, rock, pinecone, leaf (ABC pattern)
branch, branch, pinecone, pinecone, branch, branch, pinecone, pinecone (AABB pattern)
pinecone, stick, pinecone, stick (AB pattern)
Make a sentence using at least 3-5 words that you labelled in the image.
For example: The bees and butterflies fly over the grass and hill.
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