Monday May 25
For this week's google meet your child will meet with their other teacher. Please continue to use the same google meet code that you always use for each meet.
Storytime: Use google meet storytime
Monday, May 25 10:00am with Mrs. Conley
Tuesday, May 26 2:00pm with Mrs. Watterson
Wednesday, May 27 10:00am with Mrs. Mask
Learning Intentions
I can connect oral language with print and pictures.
I can draw, record or tell about ideas and experiences.
I can manage ideas and share my ideas.
I can explore self expression through language and art.
I can explore self expression through language and art.
I can use direct comparison to compare two objects based on volume (capacity).
I can relate a numeral, 1 to 10 and its respective quantity.
Word Family - "AT" video
Math - Nature Sundaes
Materials: clear cup (plastic is preferable), journal, pencil, pencil crayons, natural items
Please enjoy the video of Mrs. Conley making a nature sundae. After you've watched the video, it's your turn to make a nature sundae. Please gather natural items maybe from your yard, the coulee or by the pond. After you've built your sundae, please draw a picture of your sundae in your journal and record the number of various items that are found in your sundae!
Nature Sundae Video:Nature Sundae
Here is a photo of my completed nature sundae.
Here is a video just for fun! Check out all the cool things Mrs. Conley saw on her walk in Prince's Island Park. Nature Fun
Please watch for upcoming drawing videos with Mr.Kelly this week in relation to our EHS Superhero theme.
Music Blog:
Phys Ed Blog:
Lost and Found *last call*
Please look closely at the photo below and see if you are missing any belongings. They will be available for pick up until the end of this week and then will head to the donation bin. Thank you!
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