Thursday May 21
Storytimes are as follows:
Friday, May 22 10:00am with Mrs. Conley
The Google Meet code to join a storytime with one of the teachers is storytime.
Literacy Learning Intentions
1. I can connect oral language with print and pictures.
2. I can draw, record or tell about ideas and experiences.
3.I can shares ideas and information about topics of interest.
4. I can use drawings to illustrate ideas and information, and talk about them.
Math Learning Intentions
1. I can use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems by identifying, reproducing, extending and creating two or three element patterns.
Environment and Community Awareness
1. I can explore and investigate objects and events in the environment and show awareness of the similarities and differences in living things, objects and materials.
2. I can become aware of colours, shapes, patterns and textures in the environment.
3. I can describe a variety of homes and recognize familiar animals along with their characteristics and surroundings.
Listen to :Morning Message- What Am I?
Literacy: All About Insects Day 3
Materials: white journal, iPad/computer/tablet, pencil, colors
Butterfly read aloud
Busy As A Bee
Are You A Grasshopper?
Facts about Ladybugs
Lucy Ladybug Read Aloud (please note this is a fiction book for fun)
Please watch the video about the bug you have chosen for the week. Make sure you pay close attention to what your bug does and what it likes to eat? After watching the video, please draw a picture and write a sentence in your journal to answer the following questions.
1. What does your bug do?
2. What does your bug eat?
Try and write the sounds down in your journal that you hear. You can always ask mom or dad to write the sentence on another paper and you can copy it into your journal too!
Patterns In Nature
Log into Epic Books and listen to the stories Pattern In the Park and Patterns In the Jungle.
Go into your backyard or take a walk around the block. Can you find patterns in nature? Here are some I found when I went walking around my neighborhood.
Take a picture or draw about your pattern in your notebook.
Mrs. Mask on a walk : Patterns In Nature
Think of 3 questions that you might have about this image. (ie. Where are these children? What are they looking for?) Can you answer those questions? Maybe even imagine a conversation that the children are having in the picture, using the vocabulary words you listed previously this week.
Be creative and use your imagination 😊
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