Monday June 8

We will continue to offer story time at the following times this week:

Monday, June 8  10:00am with Mrs. Conley
Tuesday, June 9 2:00pm with Mrs. Watterson
Wednesday, June 10 10:00am with Mrs. Mask
Thursday, June 11 2:00pm with Mrs. Mask

The Google Meet code to join a storytime with one of the teachers is storytime.

Morning messages from Brooklyn and Owen

If you missed our post on Friday about the morning messages, please watch:

Learning Intentions - Literacy and Environment & Community Awareness
1. I can use drawings to illustrate ideas and information, and talk about them. 
2. I can seek information from a variety of sources, such as people at school, at home, in the community, picture books, photographs and videos.
3. I can explore and investigate objects and events in the environment.
4. I can demonstrate awareness of the properties of objects and events in the environment.

Learning Intentions - Math
1. I can relate a numeral, 1 to 10, to its respective quantity
2. I can represent and describe numbers 2 to 10, concretely and pictorially

Read Aloud: The Wheels on the Bus

Literacy: Glenbow Ranch Field Trip

Materials: journal, pencil, colors, Ipad/computer/tablet

Today we are going on a field trip! A virtual field trip that is! Here you will get to explore many aspects of Glenbow Ranch without ever leaving your house!

Please watch the video "May Wildflower Count at Glenbow Ranch". As you watch see if you an remember any of the places you visited at Glenbow Ranch back in October when we visited the ranch.


After watching the video, please use your big white journal and divide the page into 4 sections. In each of the sections draw and label one thing that you saw in the "May Wildflower Count" video.

How well did you listen to the video? Here are some questions to try and answer after watching! Answers are at the bottom of the page.

1.  How many new trees were growing out of the old fallen down tree?
2.  How many deer were eating the shrubs?
3.  How many bees were on the yellow flower?
4.  How many bird eggs did they find?  What color were they?

Math: Glenbow Ranch Problem Solving
Materials: blue journal, pencil, manipulatives (small lego, small toys, anything that can be used as a counter)

1.  Mrs. Mask walked 4 steps to see the bee on the flower.  Mrs. Conley walked 4 steps to see the same bee.  Mrs. Watterson was standing much closer and only needed to walk 2 steps to see the bee.  How many steps did the teachers walk altogether to see the bee on the flower?

2.  If an ant has 6 legs and a deer has 4 legs, how many legs are there total?

3.  At Glenbow Ranch, Mrs. Conley saw 1 bird nest, 2 eggs, 3 wildflowers and 4 clouds in sky.  How many items did she see altogether?

4.  Mrs. Watterson had 2 Kindergarten children in her group at the Ranch.  Mrs. Mask had 3 Kindergarten children in her group.  Mrs. Conley had 2 Kindergarten children with her.  How many Kindergarten children were with the teachers?

5.  If Mrs. Watterson saw 8 birds but Mrs. Conley scared 3 birds away.  How many birds are left for Mrs. Watterson to watch?

Challenge: Have a picnic lunch outside
Materials: lunch & a picnic blanket

If this was a real trip to Glenbow Ranch we would be eating our lunch outside in the park.  Please help mom/dad to make a picnic lunch and eat outside. You might choose to eat in on your deck, in your yard, at the park or by the pond. Have fun and enjoy your picnic!

Answers to video trivia
1. 2
2. 1
3. 1
4.  2, blue and blue with brown spots


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