Tuesday June 9

We will continue to offer story time at the following times this week:

Tuesday, June 9 2:00pm with Mrs. Watterson
Wednesday, June 10 10:00am with Mrs. Mask
Thursday, June 11 2:00pm with Mrs. Mask

The Google Meet code to join a storytime with one of the teachers is storytime.

Morning messages from Ryan and Emily R.

If you missed our post last Friday about the morning messages, please watch:

Learning Intentions - Literacy and Environment & Community Awareness
1. I can use drawings to illustrate ideas and information, and talk about them. 
2. I can seek information from a variety of sources, such as people at school, at home, in the community, picture books, photographs and videos.
3. I can explore and investigate objects and events in the environment.
4. I can demonstrate awareness of the properties of objects and events in the environment.

Learning Intentions - Math
1. I can relate a numeral, 1 to 10, to its respective quantity
2. I can represent and describe numbers 2 to 10, concretely and pictorially

Materials - white visual journal, pencil and coloring pencils or crayons
Read aloud: Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt

Task #1 - Can you figure out what these highlighted words mean? Re-read the sentence with an adult and look at the pictures for clues. 

Vocabulary words: brittle, squabble, furrow, prowl, dribbles, feast, scrumptious

Task #2: Answer the following questions by drawing or printing out the animals mentioned in the story.
1. What lives and grows above the ground and UP in the garden?

2. What lives and grows under the ground and DOWN in the dirt?

Here are all the creatures listed in the story:

Did you know?

Box turtle

*Did you know a box turtle’s dappled shell mimics the spots of sunlight on the forest floor?
*Did you know "snags," or standing dead trees, provide habitat for a number of different species.
  • Tree frogs and beetles live under a snag’s bark.
  • Woodpeckers and other birds feed on the insects that live in snags.
  • Chickadees nest in cavities created by woodpeckers.
  • Squirrels and deer mice store food in them. 

Materials - blue math journal, pencil
Here are some math riddles for you to try. Please draw or write your answer to show your thinking. Hint: a number line from 1-10 will help 😉

© 2017, Primary Inspiration by Linda Nelson 

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